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5-Star Review The SPell of Action – a Táp De Physics 2.0

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The Spell of Action

– a Tao De Physics 2.0?

by The Angry Buddhist

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a Tao De Physics 2.0? The Spell of Action

The Satirical Fury of Reality, NOT “Religion” or “Theosophy!" Rather, a Self-Help, Outrage-Yoga, “Way of Thinking” Ancient Science Mindfulness:


This memoir is a lifetime study comparing and affirming the tragically inherent human causes and similarities of political and religious cults, based on the alluded teachings of the ancient science Texts from the Puranas (Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Alan Watts, and many others). The Self-Help agency here includes identifying the inherent sociopath nature of avarice and racial undercurrents in Political and Religious organizations, as well as in our selves, workplace, relationships, and even family—for detachment and decision-making. Life is short; spend it in peace!

The 'middle way' appears to be a holistic assembly over time of agreeing on perspectives from scientists, philosophers, and great minds collectively pointing the 'way.' No religion is necessary.

If indeed we are eternal atomic sparks of consciousness or “souls,” then ‘one hundred years’ in the eyes of infinity equals zero. As we get older, we realize year by year how time actually does "fly by (bye)" surrounded by unending wars and suffering, like a living virus crawling and moving around the globe entropically.

In a lifetime of study seeking answers, the most dangerous type of ignorance became clear — the global eon-old Sociopathy mental health universal pandemic growing with population explosion, technology, and opportunity. The Scientific doctoral community unilaterally declares that 1 in 100 people is a sociopath. Some mental health professionals say, “1 in 20!” I say, "1 in 5!"

We certainly do not “grow up” until mid-life or later due to pangs of hunger from hormones, libido, childhood traumas, cultures, religion, family upbringing, poverty, and media hype. These all create wanton gluttony and avarice, ravenousness to some degree, and we grow up overwhelmed and molded, trying to fit in, compete, get ahead, and understand the eon-aged world in a mere 20 or 30 juvenile years. And just as the wisdom begins to seep in slowly at a ripe age, we have to vacate these bodies and move on — unresolved! In that short moment of life, we contend with humanity’s aggressive hunger for survival, control, greed, and domination. We become a part of some environment driven by those 1% possessing the wealth and power. And it’s ‘always’ been like this.

And seemingly by design!

The memoir is a satire where inner peace requires a yoga of outrage and laughter to "hold it together." A unique collective perspective for Inner faith and detachment.

– The Angry Buddhist

2nd Edition to “The Magic of Karma — Ancient Quantum Science?”

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